digital nomad

The flaws of the digital nomad lifestyle

Oh, because I’m working poolside in Pai, Thailand, with a cat named Pumpkin, you thought this was easy? Well, it’s definitely more rewarding. But with any type of work, it has its disadvantages (and I don’t just mean the time difference!) I’m here to tell you that when you test the digital nomad water with both feet, you may encounter some mud!

Working Remotely in Pai

A year ago I was at a dead-end job and had lost my passion. The phrase ‘if nothing changes, nothing changes’ kept running through my head.

So, I changed my situation.

I wanted to travel long-term and maybe a career switch in the process. So I turned my side hustle into my main focus: travel consulting and trip itinerary building. I was about to join the world of digital nomadism and entrepreneurship without a backup plan. I saved for a year, rented out my condo, and gave a million goodbye hugs with an exciting year of uncertainty ahead of me. Then in September 2022, I took off for the world that had been waiting on me. 

I am 6 months into long-term travel while building a business. And it’s not as easy as I envisioned. I’ve struggled with the guilt of wanting to explore new cities and needing to work, as well as travel exhaustion. So again, I changed my circumstances. I slowed down. I would give myself a few days just to be on the computer, or other days without it. Planning and a to-do list also became my best friends. That, and hiring a life coach. I think you really have to invest in yourself or you will go crazy (that’s in general, not just as a nomad). We have biweekly meetings to keep me goal-focused and be able to get over the humps. After a few months of trial and error, I can say what works for me.

Here is a day in my life as a digital nomad traveling the world:

  • Up whenever I need to be! While in Southeast Asia it’s pretty early so I can chat with clients back in the US. (11 hour difference)
  • Coffee (makes my world go around)
  • Answer e-mails, social media inboxes, say hi to friends etc
  • phone calls with clients
  • Itinerary building. This is my jam. I really enjoy drafting dream trips for clients. Especially with first-hand experience.
  • Mid-day walk, gym hit, or coffee shop. Whatever I need that day for my break
  • Figure out my next trip (I need to schedule this or it can take up too much of my day)
  • Content creating. This is not my jam. I find my millennial self really struggles to keep up sometimes but I do what I can
  • Dinner, a night cap, bed

Not every day is the same. Which is a blessing and a curse. If I don’t set a routine for at least half of the day, nothing will get done! There are many advantages of freelancing or working from anywhere, but it’s not perfect and without focus and motivation it can put anyone at a disadvantage. However, if I make up my mind I want to take that afternoon cooking class in Malaysia on a Wednesday, it’s something I can do without checking in. 

Digital nomad benefits:

  • I can work anywhere, from a hostel in Malaysia (with a cat named Diva) to a cafe in Portugal.
  • on my own schedule. This was the dream for me. To have the freedom to see the world without worrying how much PTO I have left
  • sometimes, even with travel friends. We are all out here hustling so we can make to the waterfall hike in Indonesia the next day! 
  • and with an adult beverage. This isn’t everyday (because, calories & health)  but those days when I’m sick of staring at a computer or phone, this helps relax me a little bit. There are no rules when it comes to this life!(

The drawbacks of working from anywhere

  • easily the number #1 con is consistent Wifi. I’ve been to places that say they are digital nomad friendly only to find the wifi is spotty and not efficient.
  • It can get lonely. 
  • There are places that are so lovely it makes focusing on work very difficult
  • Time Zone Time Zone Time Zone
  • on my own schedule. because no one is telling me when to clock in, I have to be diligent for myself.
  • not having my cozy bed to rest in when I’m sick. Traveling in multiple different climates and seasons, I’ve caught allergies, heat exhaustion, travel fatigue and even eye inflammation. Thankfully, I’m covered by Nomad Insurance by SafetyWing.
Nomad Insurance by SafetyWing

What is Nomad Insurance?

Having Nomad Insurance gives me peace of mind, regardless of where I am in the world. This insurance was built by nomads for nomads and without corporate America coverage, this can be a life-saver while traveling. It’s an automated policy that extends every month for 365 days which makes one less thing to remember every time I travel to a different country. Another benefit is it’s affordable! Pricing starting at $45 per month makes this travel decision an easy one.

So what does Nomad Insurance include?

Medical Travel Coverage

  • Doctors
  • Hospitals
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation
  • Access a qualified global network of hospitals and doctors for unexpected medical problems and accidents

Misc. Travel Coverage

  • Travel delay
  • Lost checked luggage
  • Emergency response 
  • Natural Disasters
  • Personal Liability 

Whether you’re planning your future travels or already traveling, Safety Wing has your back. Use my link here to sign up!

That’s it. That’s the summary of 6 months of life as a novice digital nomad. With the help of my life coach, I am continuing to rewire my brain. The guilt and anxiety of not checking my emails or touching my computer one can really ruin this lifestyle. It’s because of the last 10 years of corporate America. I consider it a toxic relationship as I didn’t know how bad it was until I actually left. Just like anything that you want in life, it takes time and patience. The starting is the hardest part. If you need some hype to take the leap, I’ve got you! Also, (shameless plug) I can book that travel adventure for you. A hype woman & travel consultant all in one? Yep you found me 🙂

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Thoughts, advice or questions about the digital nomad lifestyle? Drop a comment below!

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